Celebrating Professor Paul Louis Metzger’s Latest Book: More Than Things

We are thrilled to share exciting news from Professor Paul Louis Metzger, who has recently launched his twelfth book titled “More Than Things: A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture.” In this insightful work, Professor Metzger challenges the prevalent notion of reducing human value to economic worth in today’s society.

Reflecting on his own experiences, Professor Metzger emphasizes the inherent worth of every individual, irrespective of economic utility. He draws inspiration from a deeply personal journey, particularly through the lens of his son Christopher, who sustained a catastrophic brain injury three years ago. Despite his condition, Christopher exemplifies the profound dignity and value of human life, a theme that resonates throughout “More Than Things.”

Professor Metzger’s book contextualizes Jesus’ teaching to emphasize that, like the Sabbath, the market was made for humanity, not humanity for the market.Through this perspective, he challenges readers to recognize their intrinsic value beyond material possessions.

You can join Professor Metzger as he discusses his latest book on the Point of View radio show airing on April 15th at Noon (Pacific). Tune in to gain deeper insights into “More Than Things” and its profound message. Listen (http://pointofview.net/shows/).

To learn more about “More Than Things”, consider visiting the book’s page. (http://a.co/d/9EYGNu7).

And stay tuned for his forthcoming book, “Evangelical Zen: A Christian’s Spiritual Travels with a Buddhist Friend,” which will be available later this year!

April 12, 2024 | News